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the 7 day detox for better balance & wellbeing

If you’re ready to turn to food as potent medicine to help

transform your menstrual cycle,

then our guide is for you!


Going Within is a 7-day detoxification guide filled with recipes, journal prompts, and exercises to transform your relationship with food, and heal yourself. This guide is perfect if you’re on an anti-histamine diet, have PMDD or endometriosis, or any other condition where you are sensitive to estrogen.

Created in collaboration with Elisa Rusconi, we offer this guide so you can feel lighter, more energetic, and balanced. This guide is great for all ages, as it is supportive of those going through menopause too!


Going Within is grain-free, meat-free, dairy-free, anti-inflammatory, and contains foods that promote healthy and sustainable detoxification.

Healthy Meal
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follow Elisa on instagram📸


Going Within Detox Guide (English version)

Going Within Detox Guide (English version)


Explore food through an entirely different lens. Heal your relationship with food and your body through this 7-day detox guide that not only provides recipes, but activities to add a whole new meaning to eating and cooking. 


The recipes are anti-histamine, anti-inflammatory, and are supportive for the luteal phase, or the two weeks leading up to one's period. This guide is also supportive of those that have a premenstrual condition, and for those that are looking for warming, supportive foods that make their body feel safe, especially if going through trauma healing. 


The wide range of recipes available in this guide feature accessible ingredients no matter where on earth you are, and the dishes are certified DELICIOUS. 


Get ready for a blissful week of transformation!

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